Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure
Rule 24.2 Amount of Bond, Deposit, or Security
“(a) Type of Judgment.
(1) For Recovery of Money. When the judgment is for money, the amount of the bond, deposit, or security must equal the sum of compensatory damages awarded in the judgment, interest for the estimated duration of the appeal, and costs awarded in the judgment. But the amount must not exceed the lesser of:
(A) 50 percent of the judgment debtor’s current net worth; or
(B) 25 million dollars.
(2) For Recovery of Property. When the judgment is for the recovery of an interest in real or personal property, the trial court will determine the type of security that the judgment debtor must post. The amount of that security must be at least:
(A) the value of the property interest’s rent or revenue, if the property interest is real; or
(B) the value of the property interest on the date when the court rendered judgment, if the property interest is personal.
(3) Other Judgment. When the judgment is for something other than money or an interest in property, the trial court must set the amount and type of security that the judgment debtor must post.[…]”

**In Federal cases the bond requirement is governed by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure “62(b) Stay by Bond or Other Security. At any time after judgment is entered, a party may obtain a stay by providing a bond or other security. The stay takes effect when the court approves the bond or other security and remains in effect for the time specified in the bond or other security.”**
The information contained on our site is for general information purposes, and you should consult with your attorney for the most up to date civil code or local rule that applies to your case.
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