The CSBA Difference
Expert Guidance
For most clients, an appeal bond is something they may need once-in-a-lifetime and what’s at stake can be very significant. This can leave many feeling uncertain on where to begin. The first place the client and their attorney should start is to find a guide in the form of a surety agent, but not just any surety agent will do. As with the law or medicine, finding a specialist is key.
Since surety bonds for court related matters are a very niche industry, there are very few appeal bond specialists that have the expertise to provide them, but at CSBA, we have over 110 years of combined surety experience handling appeal bonds day in and day out. Using our expertise, we guide our clients to help them understand the process, navigate their options, and find a solution that fits their particular needs.
All of this results in a much smoother experience for the client and better terms for their bond.

More Options
When it comes to procuring an appeal bond, options are important, because every client is unique in terms of the assets that they have to back the bond.
Since surety bonds are all we do, we have access to surety insurers that most general insurance agents don’t. Just as important, we also have the ability to use a wide variety of forms of collateral when required, and many of the programs we have are either exclusive or semi-exclusive to us.
In addition, we work with several sureties that can write bonds for international companies located in over 25 countries when needing a bond in a U.S. state or federal court.
First-Class Service
Our ability to provide first-class service starts with our deep understanding of the appellate process and the various time frames involved in getting a bond in place by your deadline. It allows us to anticipate the potential setbacks and ensure that we are taking whatever proactive measures can be done to ensure your needs are met.
We care deeply about our clients’ needs.
Your case is extremely important and that’s exactly the way we’ll treat the bond you need. That means you can expect us to do the small things like return your phone calls and emails the same day, and if we have to stay at the office late to get the job done for you, that’s what we’ll do.
They may sound simple, but they’re the things that help us ensure our clients can stay the judgment from being enforced against their assets.

Court Surety Bond Agency
Court Surety Bond Agency (CSBA) has been assisting attorneys and their clients with bonds for appeals and a variety of other civil litigation matters since 1984.
We are one of the leading providers in the nation writing bonds in ALL state and federal courts, and we have the ability to handle any size bond ranging from a small $10,000 preliminary injunction bond to a billion-dollar appeal bond.
Experience the CSBA Difference today
Expert Guidance • First-Class Service • More Options