
"We have a great team of professionals with the experience to handle any appeal or civil litigation bond you need.”

– President, Dan Huckabay

Dan Huckabay


Mr. Huckabay is president of Court Surety Bond Agency, and he has underwritten appeal bonds in almost every state and federal district court for clients ranging from individuals to Fortune 500 companies. In addition, he has delivered numerous presentations across the country on appeal bonds and authored dozens of published articles. He has also served as an expert witness in several cases where appeal bonds represented a central issue.


Mr. Huckabay is a graduate of California State University, Fullerton where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance and was distinguished as the number one graduate in his class graduating Summa Cum Laude and with honors.


Mr. Huckabay started with CSBA in 1996 as an entry level assistant, and he purchased the firm from the founder in 2008. As President, Mr. Huckabay is now responsible for managing the overall operations, helping clients evaluate potential collateral options to obtain appeal bonds, and negotiating rates, terms and conditions with surety companies. 

Arturo Ayala

Vice President

Mr. Ayala is an appeal bond specialist with Court Surety Bond Agency (CSBA), a national leader of civil appellate bonds. He has been involved with the underwriting and issuing of appeal bonds for civil cases throughout the country for clients ranging from individuals needing a small appeal bond to publicly traded international companies in need of multi-million dollar bonds. He works intimately with each client and their attorneys to help evaluate potential collateral options and negotiates competitive terms for clients with surety companies.


Mr. Ayala is a graduate of California State University, Fullerton where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance. He started with CSBA in 2000 in a clerical position while completing his studies. Since then, he’s taken on various roles within the company, and has co-lead Court Surety Bond Agency since 2011 overseeing the underwriting, processing and issuance of all our appeal bonds throughout the country. 

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